
As someone who's always been passionate about technology, it's been my pleasure to work in the IT industry for many years. I can help your business succeed in today's ever evolving digital world.



6 Total


15 Years


3 Total

Operating System

Proficient in Microsoft Windows, Linux, and Apple MacOS operating systems. Server and client-side applications.

Cloud Storage

Build and maintain a secured virtual private network (VPN) for office work file-sharing systems and database storage.

Microsoft Office

Create interactive & responsive datasheets using Microsoft Office Suite and VBA programming language.

Database Management

Create and manage a database system to store client information, product inventory, report analysis, and more.



Experience Driven...Back. Continue.

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Fire Safety Alarms, Inc.

System Administrator

Designed and deployed Microsoft Azure virtual private network for office work collaborations and document sharing. Created and maintained proprietary software.



Focused individual projects as a freelance consultant offering advanced computer system services.

Bentax Services, Inc.

Network Engineer

Engineered Windows Server intranet network for office work cooperation. Setup and maintained services for DRAKE Tax Management and QuickBooks finance software.


2016 - Current

Computer Informaton Systems

Partially completed undergraduate program. Pursued internship and hands-on training in the information technology industry.

2013 - 2016
High School

Robert F. Wagner - Arts & Technology

Selected for in-person Introduction calss to C/C++ summer school program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

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Design Skills

Network Management


Database Design


VBA Programming


Data Analysis


Coding Skills












  • Storage
  • Inventory
  • Reports
  • Network
  • Database
  • Scripting
  • Automation

Licenses & Certificates


ID: ****72
Engineering L1
Fire Alarm Systems


ID: ****35
EST3 Technologies


ID: ****5355
Fitness S98
Inspections Technician


ID: ****4715
Expeditor R02
Filing Processor


ID: ***5
Expeditor C1
Filing Processor


ID: **-******106
Safety & Health


Work Showcase...Back. Continue.

Inventory System

Inventory System

F.S.A, Inc.
Cloud Computing

Cloud Networks

F.S.A / Bentax
Clients Database

Client Database

Bentax, Inc.
Point List Maker

Custom Reports

F.S.A, Inc.
Advanced Scripts

Task Automation

F.S.A, Inc.
Interactive Documents

Office VBA

Bentax, Inc.


My Life's Passion...Back. Continue.

Miguel Velez

Journey in Retrospect

Miguel Velez is an Information Technology Specialist with over 15 years of experience working in the New York Metropolitan Area. Helping businesses develop hardware and software solutions to their technological challenges using custom build applications, databases, and data processing software.

I've always been intrigued and fascinated by computers and technology. After developing a profound understanding of computing systems, I wanted to pursue a meaningful and impactful career. I spent over eight years in the Fire Prevention industry as an IT administrator, Database Manager, Computer Assistance, Fire Prevention Technician, and Filing Representative while building and maintaining proprietary software to meet various industry challenges. As an information technology specialist, I intend to provide employers with solutions to their technological limitations using custom-built applications, cloud-based solutions, database management, and forms tracking software. I can help your businesses increase productivity and thrive in the digital world.

-Miguel Velez



Connect Directly...Back. Home.

Manhattan, NY

+0718 586 7909


Send me a message


Case 1...Back. Continue.

Inventory System

Data Processing

From a young age, I was drawn to the world of computers and software development, spending countless hours immersed in exploring their capabilities. My fascination with the inner workings of these systems led me to dive deep into the Unix, Linux, and Windows operating systems, where I developed a profound understanding of their intricacies and functionalities.

Report Generation

Driven by a passion for computer technology and software development, I have helped businesses achieve their productivity goals and thrive in an increasingly digital world. With a deep understanding of Unix, Linux, and Windows operating systems As an IT professional with a focus on automation, databases, and customized scripts, I provide the technical knowledge and skill necessary to create effective solutions that improve office productivity and efficiency. I develop innovative software solutions that optimize operations and enhance productivity, delivering real-world results for MyTechs across a range of industries.


Builted from the ground up a customized Product Inventory System.


Case 2...Back. Continue.

Point List Maker

Data Processing

From a young age, I was drawn to the world of computers and software development, spending countless hours immersed in exploring their capabilities. My fascination with the inner workings of these systems led me to dive deep into the Unix, Linux, and Windows operating systems, where I developed a profound understanding of their intricacies and functionalities.

Report Generation

Driven by a passion for computer technology and software development, I have helped businesses achieve their productivity goals and thrive in an increasingly digital world. With a deep understanding of Unix, Linux, and Windows operating systems As an IT professional with a focus on automation, databases, and customized scripts, I provide the technical knowledge and skill necessary to create effective solutions that improve office productivity and efficiency. I develop innovative software solutions that optimize operations and enhance productivity, delivering real-world results for MyTechs across a range of industries.


Builted from the ground up a customized Product Inventory System.


Case 3...Back. Continue.

Clients Database

Database Storage

From a young age, I was drawn to the world of computers and software development, spending countless hours immersed in exploring their capabilities. My fascination with the inner workings of these systems led me to dive deep into the Unix, Linux, and Windows operating systems, where I developed a profound understanding of their intricacies and functionalities.

Intranet Setup

Driven by a passion for computer technology and software development, I have helped businesses achieve their productivity goals and thrive in an increasingly digital world. With a deep understanding of Unix, Linux, and Windows operating systems As an IT professional with a focus on automation, databases, and customized scripts, I provide the technical knowledge and skill necessary to create effective solutions that improve office productivity and efficiency. I develop innovative software solutions that optimize operations and enhance productivity, delivering real-world results for MyTechs across a range of industries.


Builted from the ground up a customized Product Inventory System.


Case 4...Back. Continue.

Cloud Computing

Secured Network

From a young age, I was drawn to the world of computers and software development, spending countless hours immersed in exploring their capabilities. My fascination with the inner workings of these systems led me to dive deep into the Unix, Linux, and Windows operating systems, where I developed a profound understanding of their intricacies and functionalities.

Azure Integration

Driven by a passion for computer technology and software development, I have helped businesses achieve their productivity goals and thrive in an increasingly digital world. With a deep understanding of Unix, Linux, and Windows operating systems As an IT professional with a focus on automation, databases, and customized scripts, I provide the technical knowledge and skill necessary to create effective solutions that improve office productivity and efficiency. I develop innovative software solutions that optimize operations and enhance productivity, delivering real-world results for MyTechs across a range of industries.


Builted from the ground up a customized Product Inventory System.


Case 5...Back. Continue.

Office Add-Ons

Smart Sheets

From a young age, I was drawn to the world of computers and software development, spending countless hours immersed in exploring their capabilities. My fascination with the inner workings of these systems led me to dive deep into the Unix, Linux, and Windows operating systems, where I developed a profound understanding of their intricacies and functionalities.

Interactive Documents

Driven by a passion for computer technology and software development, I have helped businesses achieve their productivity goals and thrive in an increasingly digital world. With a deep understanding of Unix, Linux, and Windows operating systems As an IT professional with a focus on automation, databases, and customized scripts, I provide the technical knowledge and skill necessary to create effective solutions that improve office productivity and efficiency. I develop innovative software solutions that optimize operations and enhance productivity, delivering real-world results for MyTechs across a range of industries.


Builted from the ground up a customized Product Inventory System.


Case 6...Back. Continue.

Task Automation

Task Monitoring

From a young age, I was drawn to the world of computers and software development, spending countless hours immersed in exploring their capabilities. My fascination with the inner workings of these systems led me to dive deep into the Unix, Linux, and Windows operating systems, where I developed a profound understanding of their intricacies and functionalities.

Barcode Integration

Driven by a passion for computer technology and software development, I have helped businesses achieve their productivity goals and thrive in an increasingly digital world. With a deep understanding of Unix, Linux, and Windows operating systems As an IT professional with a focus on automation, databases, and customized scripts, I provide the technical knowledge and skill necessary to create effective solutions that improve office productivity and efficiency. I develop innovative software solutions that optimize operations and enhance productivity, delivering real-world results for MyTechs across a range of industries.


Builted from the ground up a customized Product Inventory System.